Zach's January-February 2012

Happy New Year!

click here to go to Zach's March-April 2012 page (Australia!!)

Zach 'n' Jack hamming it up! :=> 2012-01-03


Zach showing us his 'Shepherds and the Angel' Christmas Lord project 2012-01-04


Fun in the castle tent with Mrs. Gladish :=) 2012-01-07


Belated Christmas party with Jack & Mia (look at Zach's expression! :=D ) 2012-01-07


Zach donned Mia's witch's hat while wearing his new doctor's coat... How fitting: a witch doctor! 2012-01-07

He enjoyed the rainbow glasses from the 'Noah's Ark & the Rainbow' Lord Project 2012-01-12

Speaking of rainbow glasses --- remember this? Same project, 3 years ago :=> 2009-01-10

The other part of this 'Noah' Lord project was a cool shrinky-dink mobile 2012-01-12

Watching it shrink... 2012-01-12

The final product: voilà! 2012-01-12

Zach received a gift certificate for Christmas and bought himself a Science Magic Kit. He wrote with invisible ink, then made it appear! 2012-01-14

Mia stayed overnight; chocolate pancakes for breakfast, mmm! 2012-01-28

The mister & missus out for a Sunday drive... :=D 2012-01-28

Uncle Robbie, Aunt Crystal & Samantha came for a visit! --Fun at Please Touch Museum 2012-01-28

More fun at PTM. Zach cranked this 'brick' conveyor for no less than 20 straight minutes!! 2012-01-28

Cruisin' cousins at the Please Touch :=) 2012-01-28

The bassinet not having sold, yet, Zach made good use of it... 2012-02-09

Just another play date with Mrs. Abbott painting faces -- and hands! 2012-02-10

Zach's Ivyland Montessori class :=) 2012-02-14

Another Science Magic experiment: a glow-in-the-dark potion! (Attempt #2...) 2012-02-16

Shake it enthusiastically... 2012-02-16

And... Hmm. Didn't say the right magic words? :=\ (It did glow a little bit, which we can see better now than then!) 2012-02-16

Silly Zachy at the Marriage Conference :=) 2012-02-18

Zach and Grandma say their goodbyes prior to our departure for Australia :=\ 2012-02-19

Fun with Grammy despite almost all our worldly possessions being boxed up! 2012-02-22

Can't take fireworks with us, must use them up! 2012-02-23

Zach setting up the last round of sparklers 2012-02-23

Oooo! Aaaaah! 2012-02-23

Moving day! -Zach watching the movers 2012-02-23

The buddies kept vigil while Zach was a school... 2012-02-23

Zach & Mia playing "Jake" and "Izzy", the Neverland Pirates (in an otherwise e-m-p-t-y basement!) 2012-02-24

Our last play date before we head down under :=( 2012-02-24

Group hug!! 2012-02-24

Mattresses up for grabs are great fun! :=) 2012-02-26

Let the journey begin... 2012-02-26

Making our way through Philly airport... 2012-02-26







Come see some of the many pictures of our visit down under on Zach's March-April 2012 page!


... Sitting at the dinner table, Zach -- rambling silly words off, as he is prone to doing -- says "F*** it, f*** it, f*** it." (Not in an irate way, just... silly.) Daddy & Mommy exchange glances... ("Did he really say that??") After he says it again, Mommy asks, "Is that a made-up word? I haven't heard you say it before." Z: "No, it's a real word." M: "Really? How do you know it's a real word? Did you hear someone say it?" Z: "Yes." M: "Where did you hear it?" Z: "At Happy Tymes (family fun center with kiddie rides, arcade, etc; went w/Daddy & Mia in December)." M: "Who said it?" Z: "The guy doing the tea cups (ride)." M: "Really??" Z: "Yep." M: " Do you know what it means?" Z: "No." M: "Well, it isn't a good word, so please don't say it anymore." Zach, in his unfailing way, asks, "Why?" M: "It's a mean word, it hurts peoples' feelings, (etc)." ...And then we changed the subject back to supper food! :=< Yikes!

...One of Zach's favourite Christmas presents was a doctor's dress-up outfit [pictured above], complete with a play thermometer, knee jerk hammer, stethescope, otoscope and syringe ("No, Mommy, it's a SHOT!" -much to Mommy's dismay! :=D ) -- he wears this for a couple of days straight, including donning it immediately after Sunday's church service, where a number of Ivylanders enjoy receiving a check-up from Dr. Zach! :=D

...Playing with pretend foods with Mommy, Zach observes that the (pretend) graham cracker is not very filling. "Do you want to try one that's even.... not fillinger?" Mommy replies, "Less filling? :=) Yes, please!"

... Keeping track of some Zach favourites: favourite TV show: Jake & The Neverland Pirates (which he used to avoid, incidentally!); favourite toys: marble run, hop ball (the kind you sit on, hold onto the handle & bounce), Buzzy Bee; favourite game: playing wizard with the Magic Science kit with the wand & wizard hat :=D

...A sign of the times -- Zach to Daddy: "Daddy, do you mind if I teach Buzzy how to use the iPod after this song?" :=D

... Zach hid some plastic eggs for Daddy & Mommy to do their very own Easter egg hunt! Some had candy, some did not. He wanted us to have candy since we don't get any at Easter, bless his heart. (Some was his very own candy!) "This is so much fun, Zach! Thank you!" Zach replies, "I know that." :=)

...Zach is gradually learning about the birds & the bees, due in large part to Mommy & Daddy's extensive attemps to grow our family. For a little while they are taking 'his & her' vitamins, which Mommy explains are "to help us grow a baby." Zach keenly observes, "But men don't have babies." Mommy: "You're right, they don't grow them inside of their bodies, but both daddies & mommies are needed to start a baby." Z: "?" Mommy explains a bit about women & eggs, men & seeds,... (nothing yet about how they get together!). The next morning, upon seeing the vitamin box with eggs & sperm pictured on the front, Zach says, "Oh, I see, that's the egg and those are the leaves." M: "The seeds, yes." Z: "...So, are the eggs in the nipples or something?" :=D (Mommy replies that they're deep inside the womb.)

... After we left our empty house in preparation to go to Australia, Daddy, Mommy, Grammy & Zach spent one night in a hotel. Zach opted to stay with Grammy in her room. :=> A fun sleep-over!

...Despite some apprehension felt and tears shed by Mommy & Daddy as we leave North America far behind, Zach appears to be very present in the moment. While he probably understands that we won't see our friends again for many weeks, he does not seem particularly phased. We figure, so long as he's got Daddy and Mommy (and Big Lambie and Lambie Loo!), Zach is a-ok. :=)


    Many pictures of Australia to see on Zach's March-April 2012 page!